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  • Writer's pictureEmily Medina

Christmas Vacation 2021

Over Christmas break I didn't really do much. I mainly stayed home and hung out with family. It was a nice break to have from school and I got a lot of rest in.

One thing I did was celebrate my 18h birthday. During the day some family came over and we all ate some food and sung happy birthday. Then around six I met up with my friends and went to the piercing shop. I got my smiley and my tongue pierced. My parents weren't too happy about that one.

I also got covid over break and had to be quarantined. I enjoyed it for the first couple of days because I just got to lay in bed all day and watch movies. Towards the third and forth day I started getting really bored and was over it. My symptoms were very mild and I didn''t feel very sick.


This picture was taken at afters ice cream on December 17th. I took this picture because I went to go visit gab at work.

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